viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018

martes, 23 de octubre de 2018

Victorian times

We make a diary about Victorian times.We had to be like a child in the Victorian times.And we make this with a paper that is like an old one.For make this paper we have to make a bol and put in té and put on the sun.We inspírate in a video that some children in Victorian times read her cards.For this we have to put verbs in the past and use some emotions like in this case happy we can change by joyful.

lunes, 22 de octubre de 2018


We make a comic with my group of MyOn.We amke a comic with this story “Litle litening”.When we finish this book the teacher like all times asigne a activity for all the groups this time said make a comic with this program “Story board dath”.My group is :Santino, Maria, Lucia and me.

martes, 9 de octubre de 2018

The ghoast of Mr Stockely

we make a trailer about a book that we read in MyOn.In the video apears parts that are in the video.The point of this is that the person that read this have an idea about the group.We have to make the video in parts of the school and not use any acsesory.My group is:Lucia, Sophia, Santino and me.