lunes, 17 de junio de 2019

Telling a lie!!!!

 In the class of writing we make a history about telling a lie we use a story for we can have an idea about this.Then when we finish the story we give to him and correct the story and we have to do here the second draft.

                                   "The lie of the year"

   My friendi and i were plaing with a boll.Sudenly i throw the boll they impact  against a folder and it fell in a crusher.

-no mora folder-said my friend
    Then we went to the playground when the recess finish the teacher said who broke his folder.Particulary to my and my friend .Then the teaches said if they anyone said who do it the we lose the recess.So i said that my friend do it because i want to have recess and i don´t want reprimands.

   Then the teacher taka my friend and nobody until now knows anything about them.

    The end!!!!!!

1 comentario:

  1. Francisco,
    There's still a lot of work to be done regards punctuation, spelling and tenses. When someone speaks, we use inverted commas: "No more folder," said my friend. Or The teacher said, "Who broke his folder?"
    Instead of So I said that my friend do it, it should be So I said that my friend did/had done it.
    When you wrote Then the teacher taka my friend, it should be Then the teacher took my friend.
    Mark: 6,50 (six fifty)
